
About Us


Osama Future Eye provides invaluable assistance in deciding where to study and which education provider is best for the student


We are a business solely focused on the betterment of our students. We provide education guidance free of cost, about the Malaysian University Landscape and help them navigate the terrane. We do not just guide students; we also help them get through the whole process of registration

We also provide assistance to find a course that match with student’s interests. Furthermore, we can help students study for the longest possible time at the most affordable rate by assisting them to complete the university application forms and get them enrolled

We are aware of the university specials (cheaper priced courses) that students may not know about. Different universities and institutions may offer cheaper course prices, at different times throughout the year and we will help you find them


To actively pursue an internationally recognized qualification for our clients and to provide best services to aspiring and qualified students to acquire world-class education in Malaysian centers, colleges and universities


Is to establish a mission for bringing world-class education closer to both international and local students. In our endeavor to promote education, we work towards providing quality guidance in the field of education to anyone who comes to our doors seeking it